River in Russia Mysteriously Turns Blood Red,Like A Sign Of The End Of Time

People from Russia spend their time just to watch the turning color of river.

The river has a tricky name Daldikhan and not so many people in the world knew about it until this happened. Over the night the water in it changed its color to bloody red.

It looks like the Nile from the book of Exodus in the Bible or as one of the last days signs’ from the Revelations. For now no one knows the cause of the horrifying change. People in the city are scared. They do not know if the water they buy or get in the tubes is safe to drink or even touch. They certainly feel like those ancient Egyptians during the time Moses has performed his miracles.

Some suspect the blood color of the river is produced by pollution. There is a large plant where they dig and purge nickel found near the city and it pours down the wastes right into the river. They get a lot of snow there in the winter time and we might see it also turning red as the blood!  A horrifying sight of the river of blood.

Area residents on social media and a local indigenous group said they were sure the color was coming from the area's metals plants, noting that it was not the first time they contaminated the region's water.

A user named Evgeny Belikov, who claimed to have worked at the Hope plant, said that workers referred to a reservoir connected to it as the "red sea" on account of its color, produced by ore runoff.

Other users posted older photos seeming to show the reservoir a similar color in an area that has large pipes running into it.

"In winter, the snow's also red," Belikov wrote on the social media group. "On the one hand, it's beautiful, but on the other, it's chemical."

Grigory Dukarev of the Association of the Indigenous Peoples of the Taimir Peninsula, which represents native communities in the area, told ABC News that he was preparing to submit a formal complaint to regional authorities asking them to investigate and was traveling to the river to record the pollution.

He said he was previously told that the runoff from the factories was not harmful and would cause minimal ecological damage. But he said he was skeptical.